Oz to help migrants integrate into Australian life

The Australian Government is set to make up to AUS$5 million available to some not-for-profit organisations to help migrants better integrate into Australian life.

The grants program will support the delivery of one-off projects and new or expanded initiatives that encourage economic and social participation of new arrivals, including activities that promote employment and participation in the broader community.

The country’s new Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, David Coleman, explained that the grants will assist migrants to integrate into life in Australia, with a focus on supporting women, young people and people in regional areas.

“Integration and social cohesion are critical to Australia’s success,” the minister said. “Ensuring new arrivals share Australian values, contribute to our economic prosperity and participate fully in our society. Our success as a country results from generations of migrants who effectively integrated and contributed to Australia.

“We want all migrants to succeed and make the most of the opportunities Australia has to offer, just as previous generations have done. We also want to maintain and build on our success as a cohesive society.”

Mr Coleman said the grants will help not-for-profit organisations deliver programs and activities that give newcomers the best chance of succeeding in Australia.

“Activities may include anything from helping migrants to undertake valuable work experience in order to succeed in the workforce or opportunities to practice English in their local community to helping migrants better understand Australian values and civics.”

Not-for-profit organisations can apply for grants of between $10,000 and $50,000 for activities lasting up to 12 months.

Article published 27th September 2018